Signature Programs

We emphasize using evidence based policies, programs and strategies to advocate for Black women to engage in developing their holistic wellbeing.

Health Advocacy

Support & Discussion Groups


Let's talk about it

At Afya Collective, we are dedicated to services that will give black women opportunities to succeed in their communities.

Anti-Black Racism

“Anti-Black racism impacts the health and wellbeing of Torontonians of African descent. Toronto Public Health’s 2013 study examining racialization and health inequities found that experiencing racial discrimination contributes to poor health outcomes by “triggering harmful biological, psychological and behavioural responses.” Compared to nonracialized people, Toronto’s Black residents report higher rates of pain and discomfort, high blood pressure, and overweight and obesity.” 1The City Of Toronto


“Limited access to relevant, safe, affordable, and effective health and community services remain a challenge for Black residents and families living in Toronto. Black Torontonians often experience a ‘service desert’ in their neighbourhoods. And when services are available, many Black residents report that though these services are funded to support all Torontonians, they are often inadequate in meeting the needs of Black residents.” 1The City of Toronto


13% of Black Canadians reported experiencing discrimination at work or in the context of a hiring process in 2014, compared to 6% of the rest of the Canadian population.5